Dental Bridges

Losing a tooth or multiple teeth in a row can be disheartening, affecting your ability to speak, eat and smile with confidence. At Skippack Implant & Family Dentistry, we offer an effective solution to this problem – dental bridges. Dental bridges are a reliable and permanent way to restore your smile and improve your oral health.

A dental bridge is a fixed dental restoration that does not require removal. It consists of an artificial tooth, known as a pontic, held securely in place by two custom-made dental crowns. These crowns are precisely fitted onto the adjacent teeth or dental implants, ensuring your bridge stays firmly anchored. With a dental bridge, you can regain the function and aesthetics of your smile, all while preventing the shifting of your remaining natural teeth.

Our experienced dentists may recommend a dental bridge for various reasons, including:

  • Restoring Normal Function: Dental bridges allow you to speak, eat and chew without difficulty, restoring your ability to enjoy your favorite foods.
  • Balancing Your Bite: By filling the gap left by missing teeth, bridges alleviate excess stress on your bite, preventing potential jaw problems.
  • Enhancing Facial Appearance: Bridges can improve the shape and volume of your face by maintaining proper tooth alignment.
  • Replacing Removable Dentures: Say goodbye to removable partial dentures and enjoy the convenience and stability of a fixed dental bridge.
  • Preventing Tooth Movement: Bridges keep your natural teeth from shifting out of position, maintaining the integrity of your smile.
  • Improving Aesthetics: Dental bridges enhance the appearance of your smile, boosting your self-confidence.

The process of getting a dental bridge typically involves just two visits to our practice. Our skilled team will assess your unique needs and guide you through each step, ensuring your bridge blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

If you are seeking a lasting solution to tooth loss, contact us today at 610-222-8189 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sumit Moradia or Dr. Priyang Chaudhari and learn more about dental bridges in Skippack, Pennsylvania to discover how a custom bridge can restore your smile and improve your quality of life.

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